Sivan Walter lives in the village of Böglarehult and five meters from the house hangs a blue traffic sign decorated with the same name.
The village name has received a lot of attention, so much so that the sign mysteriously disappeared during Christmas.
Then Sivan had enough and wrote a post in the local Facebook group, something that may have given the sign thief a guilty conscience.
Böglarehult once had two stately road signs and has become a bit of a tourist attraction in the area. Many want to drive by and take photos – some even go so far as to steal the signs.
Several months ago, one of the village’s signs disappeared, and now during the Christmas holiday the other was also lost, something that Northern Scania was the first to report on.
– That’s probably the name. It is a very unusual name. It is among the 20 strangest names in Sweden, says Sivan Walter, who can see one of the signs from his window.
Disappeared on Christmas Day
Sivan often receives messages from people who have visited the sign and hears people’s reactions as they pass.
– Last summer I was sitting and then there were competitive cyclists who were out training. That’s how you hear them: Boglarehult! How can you live in Böglarehult? So I answered, because they didn’t see me: It’s great to live in Böglarehult. They looked a little embarrassed.
But this Christmas someone went a step further and stole the sign in the dark of night. Only the following morning did Sivan discover that it had disappeared.
– I sat down on the sofa on Christmas morning and looked out the window. Then I saw that the Böglarehult road sign was out of place.
– Then I went out and looked around and I didn’t see a sign there. Then a few hours passed and I thought, I’ll write in our local group about it. That it was gone.
Come back: “Hux flux”
And the reactions to the sign’s mysterious disappearance were not long in coming.
– Many thought it was a bit funny. Some thought it was wrong. It was suggested that I could build my own sign at home. Someone said they had it on the wall. There was probably a bit of laughter too.
But on Sunday, Sivan got a pleasant surprise. When she and her husband had been out, they stopped at the mailbox on the way home.
– Then I saw further away on the ground by the bus pocket that there was a sign only hux flux. Maybe someone discovered that there is no use for the sign in the garage or on the wall at home. It could have been anyone who took it. It’s a pretty fun sign to have, I think, that’s why I want it back.
Now Sivan has the sign in safe custody, waiting for it to be put back in its old place.
– It feels great. Now I’m just waiting for the Swedish Transport Administration to put it up, then I can sit and look out in the morning and see my sign again. You see when cars stop and people get out and take pictures next to it.