Sister André, new dean of humanity: what are her secrets of longevity?

Sister Andre new dean of humanity what are her secrets

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Christophe de Jaeger (Longevity and geriatrics)

    Since the announcement of the death of the Japanese Kane Tanaka, Sister André is the new dean of humanity. What are the secrets of longevity of this 118-year-old Frenchwoman? Dr. Christophe de Jaeger, physiologist and specialist in aging, gives us some leads.

    Since Monday, the media around the world have been relaying the news. Sister André is the new doyenne of humanity. Daughter of teachers, Lucile Randon, her real name, has stood the test of time with dignity – and in iron health. Even the Covid-19, caught recently, was not right in his good mood.

    Outstanding longevity

    Born in 1904 in Alès (Gard), Sister André has always devoted her life “to others”. First a governess in the Peugeot family in Paris, she converted to Catholicism after the Second World War – at the age of 35 – and took the name of Sister André. She takes care of underprivileged children. Work will be his whole life.

    They say work kills, it was work that made me live, I worked until I was 108″, insists Sister André, who took care of other residents younger than her for a long time. His message: “That people help each other and love each other instead of hating each other. If we shared all this, it would be much better!”

    To the usual question, “so, what’s your secret to longevity?”, she answers with humor: “Oh gosh, God knows!“.

    A longevity-miracle with very mysterious contours, which we can however try to explain.

    Today, to be a centenarian or a super centenarian, you obviously have to have good genetic capital, but also a lot of luck. The environment is also crucial. Sister André had a rich and balanced life, dedicated to others. This openness and this curiosity undoubtedly influenced his life time”says Dr. Christophe de Jaeger, specialist in aging.

    A healthy lifestyle

    Besides being cerebrally active, Sister André seems to have maintained a “healthy” weight throughout her life, which would result both from a balanced diet – low in calories – but also from regular physical activity – here , an active profession.

    If the trials of life, the difficulties and the stress of everyday life are well managed, the chances of living longer increase”adds the physiologist, for whom the “psychology” factor is decisive.

    Finally, the elimination or very low consumption of toxic substances (cigarettes, alcohol, drugs) is obviously a key point in its longevity. This way of life is similar in all respects to that of the inhabitants of Okinawa, known for their high life expectancy (86 years for women and 78 years for men).

    Other interesting information: for several years, the share of genetic capital has been reduced (20%) in favor of behaviors and lifestyles”concludes the expert.

    Good news to influence, from now on, the rest of his life.
