Sis managers removed from service after interviews

Sis managers removed from service after interviews
full screen The two managers are being investigated for whether there are grounds to suspect that they have committed a breach of confidentiality. Archive image. Photo: Marcus Ericsson/TT

Two central managers of the State’s Board of Institutions (Sis) have been removed from service and reported to the State’s Accountability Board (San), reports SVT Nyheter.

The reason is that they may have breached the duty of confidentiality in interviews with a journalist.

The two Sis managers are said to have spoken about information that was in a home office that was partially covered by confidentiality. Sis submitted the residence certificate to the government in June.

Now the State’s responsibility board will examine whether there are grounds to suspect a breach of the duty of confidentiality. In the meantime, the managers receive “other tasks” within Sis.

– It is important that we as an authority handle the case correctly. It is now up to San to try the issue, says Elisabet Åbjörnsson Hollmark, director general of Sis, to SVT.
