Sipponen made a record improvement over a meter in the puck and broke the European Championship limit! The previous 60-meter crossing from a Finn seven years ago

Sipponen made a record improvement over a meter in the

For the first time in his career, discus thrower Salla Sipponen, 27, has thrown more than 60 meters.

22:20 • Updated 10:26 PM

In the discus throw competition in Copenhagen Salla Sipponen last grabbed the winning throw and his own record of 60.58, improving his top result two years ago by more than a meter on Thursday.

At the same time, the EM limit was exceeded, which was 60.50.

– It was a super good day. I already knew in the warm-up that today will leave if only the throw hits the spot. I’m really happy, Sipponen glowed.

Sipponen broke his old record of 59.52 twice. He threw 59.74 in Copenhagen and 60.58 in sixth.

– The coach knew he would expect longer throws, when in the beginning the support was a bit disappointing and the throws went to the left sector, Anssi Mäkinen coached by Sipponen said.

– In that last one, I got the power better conveyed to the instrument.

Prior to that, a Finnish woman had broken a 60-meter puck in 2015, when the matter was over Sanna Kämäräinen.
