Single check, INPS: payments are in progress for the month of May

Inps 2022 budget approved positive result for the year 71

(Finance) – The INPS has announced that the payments of Unique universal cheque for the month of May, inclusive of amounts by way of final adjustment. The sums due as a single allowance, in fact, they have been supplemented with amounts which, in most cases, show a credit in favor of families due, depending on the case, to the adjustment of theISEE, to the recognition of the so-called bonus at birth (seventh and eighth month of pregnancy) and in the presence of people with disabilities, who are entitled to increased amounts starting from March 2022.

L’recalculation operation from the installments Of AUUnecessary in the light of the changes in the regulatory framework, involved over 512,000 households and overall resulted in an additional disbursement of approximately 140 million euro, with an average credit per household of approximately 272 euro.

Recovery hypotheses amounts disbursed in excess of what is due are more limited and concern approx 378,000 families, with a total amount of recoveries of 15 million euros. In these cases, the average amount of the sum to be repaid amounts to approximately 41 euros and will be paid in installments, the amount of which will in any case not exceed one fifth of the total debt. The users they will be informed of the variation of the Check by SMS and an e-mail message and will be able to learn more about the calculation methods by contacting the Contact Center or the Institute offices.
