Single check, applications for over 9 million children in the first half

Single check applications for over 9 million children in the

(Finance) – Also consider the applications presented in Junein the first half of 2022 5.7 million single allowance applications were received for approximately 9.1 million children overall. This is what the first Statistical Observatory on the Single Universal Check disclosed by theInps which shows the data relating to the applications submitted during the period January-May 2022 and payments relating to the relevant quarter March-May 2022.

With regard to the amounts disbursed in the first quarter pertaining to the Single Universal Check, in average monthly terms, checks were disbursed for more than € 1 billion per month to approximately 4.7 million applicants with reference on average to 7.5 million children per month.

In the first quarter of competencethe average monthly amount per applicant was equal to 232 euros and was paid on average for 1.6 children for each applicant, while the amount for each child was, again on average, 144 euros. About 45% of the children paid belong to households with an ISEE of less than 15,000 euros, and therefore receive the maximum benefit, while more than 20% of the children belong to families that have not presented ISEE and therefore receive the minimum amount.

With reference to the payments pertaining to the month of May, the average amount per child ranges from around 50 euros, for those who do not present ISEE or exceeds 40,000 euros, to just over 190 euros for classes of ISEE up to 15,000 euros. In the month of Maythe concentration of higher amounts occurs in the South (the maximum value of 168 euros for each child is recorded in Calabria) while the less significant amounts are recorded at Center and North (the minimum value is recorded in Liguria and in Valle d’Aosta where for each child there is an average monthly amount for child equal to 135 euros).
