(Finance) – They are 8,091,275 children for whom INPS has been requestedsingle and universal check, corresponding to 5,049,157 applications submitted as of May 30th. The average number of children per application is 1.6. A further 322,414 checks have already been paid to individuals receiving citizenship income for the month of March. From March to today the checks paid from the Institute were 21,181,727. This is what INPS reports in a note.
The investigation was completely automated and made it possible to disburse checks in three months for a total amount of 3,063,610,071 euros. 49.5% of requests it was presented by families in which there is only one child. 41% from households with 2 children. 8% from households with 3 children. About 13,000 and 500 applications came from cores family members with 5 or more children. 6% of the applications come from households that have at least one disabled child among the beneficiaries.
As for the distribution for ISEE band, 29% of the applications were submitted by nuclei with ISEE within 10 thousand euros, 26% between 10 and 20 thousand, 13% between 20 and 30 thousand. 23% of the applications were submitted by subjects who did not submit the ISEE, and who therefore received the minimum amount required by law.
Also for most of the applications received in May Inps it has already paid the check, including the March and April accruals, in advance of the scheduled deadlines. Approximately 0.8% of the applications are still being processed for further investigation formalities on the ownership of the current accounts declared in the application. While a further 3% of the questions remain in evidence to the applicants or to the local INPS offices for the attachment or verification of documentation that is not already in the possession of the Institute or related bodies.