Single Allowance, Schlein: “It’s wrong to undermine its universalistic dimension”

Single Allowance Schlein Its wrong to undermine its universalistic dimension

(Finance) – The secretary of the Democratic Party, Elly Thinhas defined the government as “sectarian” regarding the hypothesis advanced by Repubblica according to which the executive is working to abolish or at least modify the Universal Single Allowance. A hypothesis that has also been denied by the Prime Minister, Georgia Melons. “When a measure works but their signature is not there, they aim to overturn it, to plant their own flag. They also did it with the rent fund and with PNRR“, Schlein declared in an interview with the same newspaper. “It would be wrong to undermine its universalistic dimension. The Democratic Party fought hard to approve it, and we will defend it with all our strength”, he added.

On the maneuver “we know nothing about their intentions. But there is something more serious. The total opacity on the floor tax medium-term: the government must present it by September 20. These are the intentions for the recovery of the next seven years. It did not deserve a broad reflection with the social partners, with the society civilwith the opposition? And instead they are keeping everything under wraps”, he declared.
