Singer Indra recounts her horrifying experience with Botox

Singer Indra recounts her horrifying experience with Botox

“Explosions behind the neck”, a dislocation of the jaw, significant nasal discharge, severe constant pain: these are the frightening consequences suffered by the singer Indra following her Botox injections. Confidences.

If Botox has become commonplace in the world of show business, it is not always without consequences. The proof with the singer Indra, 90s starwhich reveals the disastrous after-effects of his injections in the face.

The consequences of Botox on the singer

On July 15, the documentary “What have they become ?” on TFX, in which several stars of the 90s recount their lives today. On this occasion, we were able to find the singer Indra who unveiled her terrible experience with Botox. So at the dawn of the quarantine, the star of Swedish origin decides to try Botox. “It started with an injection in 2006, so it dates,” she explains on the show. If this procedure cosmetic surgery is without consequences for some, this was not the case for Indra: “The Botox is starting to take effect. I rememberI had two explosions behind the neck. Like something that farted, everything that had let go. I felt the head going down, she confides. Consequences: strong daily pain (in particular a dislocation of the jaw), which still persists today and which obliges the singer to follow sessions with the osteopath.

A different face forever

Indra still vividly remembers the moment his body gave way: “I was with my son in the park and all of a sudden it let go. It felt like rubber bands going backwards, as if we had let go. And then the nose, there was water flowing Liters. I felt the face go blank. For two days, I found myself like dogs with folds. It was terrible”. The 54-year-old singer also stressed that she would never find her face again. Handicapped by her pain, Indra notes that she is still relieved that her after-effects are now recognized and taken care of by doctors. It’s a syndrome and it’s a constant pain. Living like that is not easy. And I’m exhausted, concludes the one who has fallen back into anonymity.
