singer Coumba Gawlo has found her voice

singer Coumba Gawlo has found her voice

In Senegal, it is the return of the famous singer Coumba Gawlo Seck. The artist published this week, Monday March 7, a new clip, Tekk Mistletoearound a song released in 2018. A relief for her fans, after more than a year of absence from the diva due to health problems.

with our correspondent in Dakar, Charlotte Idrac

A forest, birds, a stream… and in the middle of a clearing, a piano… In this clip, Coumba Gawlo Seck, dressed in white, calls for “listening to silence”. A tribute to his father, the artist Laye Bamba Seck, who died in 2017.

A return in beauty for the diva, who had announced her temporary retirement from the scene in February 2021. After an operation, Coumba Gawlo explained that he had lost his voice…

On her Facebook page, she recounts her fight and takes the opportunity to recall her commitment to women’s rights.

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During his absence, Coumba Gawlo explains that he “diversified his musical knowledge”, by learning the piano.

Without announcing possible concerts soon, she promises her many fans to “surprise them”.
