“Since when is modern WoW so good?!”

A WoW Classic player has been converted. He hated retail for years – and now he has to admit that it’s actually a lot of fun.

For some people, whether you like the classic or retail version of World of Warcraft is more than just a matter of taste – it partly defines your own identity. The modern World of Warcraft is often demonized by parts of the classic community in particular. It has lost everything that would make a good MMORPG. But when long-time classic fans try out the modern game, they occasionally come to a nice realization: the game is pretty good.

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What was said? In the WoW subreddit, user FragrantYellow3199 wrote a post in which he wonders why modern WoW is so good. He writes:

After all these years, I finally tried modern WoW instead of Classic. I’m speechless. It’s a game I have fun in! I have a dragon that flies so fast it feels illegal. A normal interface, beautiful dungeons. And that’s only level 30 in 3 days! I don’t have to grind like it’s my second job?!

I’ve always said that modern WoW is “meh” for 3 or 4 years now. But why did I do that? I can’t say. But I want to box all the YouTubers who say the new stuff is all bad.

Like so many others, he had probably been led to believe, mainly by YouTubers and preconceived opinions, that retail WoW was not worth a look – until he finally gave it a try.

This is how the community reacts: The post is relatively popular and already has over 1,500 upvotes (as of August 5, 2024, 12:00 p.m.). Many people blame the most famous YouTubers around WoW for these entrenched opinions, who often present their opinions in a particularly dramatic way and thus also want to keep their community.

  • “That’s why we don’t let others tell us what to think. Form your own opinion.” – Smevis
  • “This is what happens when you get your opinion from YouTubers who say the game sucks but have been playing it for 20 years for some reason.” – dartron 5000
  • “As part of the Cynical Veteran Club… WoW gets consistently better over time with some short-term setbacks (MoP talents, lack of content in WoD, Borrowed Power in BfA, the grind in Shadowlands).
    Basically, the combat is much better than anything in the so-called Classic era, there are infinitely more things to do compared to leveling or ridiculously easy raids. The areas are more interesting and the quests are coherent (story quality can fluctuate).” – oblakoff
  • “Classic players, when they actually form their own opinions and play the game instead of always staying in their “retail is bad” echo chamber.” – mocha447_
  • Ultimately, it is of course a matter of taste whether you prefer the modern version of World of Warcraft or the classic version. But it would probably be good for the reputation of the game as a whole and also for the community if we simply acknowledged that both versions of the game have their right to exist. Both the nostalgic classic and the modern WoW, which is constantly being developed and improved. Soon with the new expansion The War Within.
