2024 looks like it will be a wasp-infested year. After seeing a trend break with fewer wasp nests since 2020, statistics from Anticimex that the wasps are on their way back.
To avoid the unwelcome guests building a nest, it is possible to secure your house, but how should you actually go about it?
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Anticimex: Lure the wasps away
Many people probably recognize themselves in the image of a summer dinner out in the green which is suddenly invaded by a bunch of wasps.
To avoid the wasps getting too close, Anticimex advises wearing clothes in neutral colors, as strong colors attract wasps.
It can also be beneficial to avoid sweet perfumes and cover sweet foods when eating out. The reason is that wasps are drawn to sugary scents.
If you place something sweet-smelling some distance from the table, the wasps can be drawn to that place, instead of disturbing during dinner.
At the dinner table, you should also avoid drinking from a can or dark bottle that has been unattended for a while. A wasp sting in the neck can be serious.
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Wasps like to crawl into sweet drinks. Photo: Martina Holmberg / TTS This is how you protect your house from wasps
Then we know how to deal with wasps out in the wild, but what can be done to stop the wasps from building a nest on the property?
Well, even that has Anticimex the answer to. To help worried homeowners, they have compiled a list of tips:
Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT
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