Simple trick – that’s how you know if the piece of meat is ready

Simple trick thats how you know if the piece

Meat, potatoes and béarnaise sauce is a Friday classic that hits home with many Swedes.

But getting the perfect cut of meat can feel difficult, especially when many self-proclaimed meat experts make it sound like rocket science.

But cooking a piece of meat to its preferred degree of doneness can actually be done even by the inexperienced cook.

Now the chef reveals Jean-Yves Guillemain namely how to easily see if the piece of meat is ready – without cutting it open.

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Father and son run a French neighborhood restaurant

Jean-Yves Guillemain and son Leo Guillemain runs the French neighborhood pub “Le passe partout” in Stockholm.

Father Jean-Yves is responsible for the cooking, while son Leo is a trained sommelier and takes care of the wines. The restaurant serves French food, but the menu changes every day. For Middle of Jean-Yves Guillemain has previously told about the concept.

– We have many Francophiles who come here, but there must be something for everyone, he said then.

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How do I cook the perfect cut of meat?

During Friday, the chef duo visited Nyhetsmorgon, where they shared a simple trick to see if the piece of meat is ready to eat.

If you don’t have a thermometer at hand, you can simply feel the piece of meat and compare it to the skin between your thumb and forefinger on your own hand.

For best results, Jean-Yves Guillemain believes that you should close your hand into a fist.

– If you close your hand properly, if you feel there, it’s very well fried, he says News morning.

Between the thumbs?

– Yes. Then you let go a little. Then it will be a little softer. If you release even more, it’s bloody.

In addition, the trick works at least as well on fish, fun!


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