In Diablo 4 you need tons of resources for crafting and various recipes. With Season 6 and Vessel of Hatred, many players started over and noticed that some of the most important ones are actually not that easy to get to. Blizzard reacts.
What kind of herbs are these?
This is the hotfix: On October 9th, Blizzard applied a hotfix to the servers (via the Blizzard forum). This increases the amount of herb bundles and angel breath that you receive simply when leveling and in the campaign:
There are also some bug fixes in the citadel and the lower city. However, the herbs in particular are an important point that is extremely well received by the community, as they have previously caused serious blockages.
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“I’m level 50 and still haven’t unlocked any potions for level 40.”
Just a few hours before the hotfix, the community discussed in a large thread on Reddit that Angel Breath had suddenly become extremely rare. That wasn’t the case in previous seasons.
The players have already discussed this before. Some felt that a little more scarce resources would make the game more charming. However, this annoyed the majority of fans.
At level 50 at the end of the campaign you are stuck with weaker potions because it is simply impossible to farm the resources properly. However, users are not sure whether this is an intentional nerf or an unintentional bug.
The hotfix is now being received very well (via Reddit). It would be nice if it was easier to get leather and iron, says one player. You need the resources to improve your equipment and they are important when leveling up.
We also noticed the shortage while playing. However, all players now have to play through the Vessel of Hatred campaign, which provides a lot of XP but only a few resources in the quests. In previous seasons you could level directly with hell tides and other activities where there was significantly more loot to be had. That’s why there’s a dealer this season: A dealer is now the best place to go for really good loot, experts fear a nerf