Simple and effective, Pauline Ducruet has found the perfect beauty look to survive a hot summer day

Simple and effective Pauline Ducruet has found the perfect beauty

Almost without makeup, Pauline Ducruet reveals a fresh beauty look on her Instagram account.

Pauline Ducruet is one of the most beautiful women in the princely family of Monaco. She has just published a series of photographs in which she shows herself with a dazzling look and barely styled hair. Just enough to enhance her natural beauty!

Pauline Ducruet shows off a natural and fresh look

While she is wearing a casual outfit, consisting of denim shorts and a striped shirt, and the sun is flooding her face, Pauline Ducruet has chosen to sport an ultra-light beauty look. Apart from a little lip balm and a touch of mascara, it seems that the daughter of Stéphanie of Monaco has skipped the makeup. Her bare, luminous skin is slightly reddened by the sun’s raysespecially at the top of the forehead, nose and cheeks, where it naturally strikes. And it must be said that with such a beautiful face, we necessarily need only the minimum.

Pauline Ducruet’s summer hairstyle

As for her hairstyle, naturalness is also the order of the day in Pauline Ducruet’s latest Instagram post. Indeed, her long hair is simply styled withloose waves and separated by a side parting, with bangs brushing the cheekbones. A hair makeover that is undoubtedly reminiscent of the one you might wear when coming back from the beach. And it’s impossible not to notice its chocolate coloring which reminds us of that of his mother, Stéphanie of Monaco.

Photos that earned him many complimentary comments on Instagram.Very pretty like always“, “Very very pretty Pauline“, “Very similar to Stephanie“, “More and more charming” can be read in the comments, for example.
