Simone Gbagbo creates a platform of political parties for the national debate

Simone Gbagbo creates a platform of political parties for the

Simone Gbagbo asked that ” all the vital forces of the nation be associated with the national debate which resumes this Wednesday and announced the creation of a political platform bringing together those parties and civil society organizations that were not invited. One of the founders of the FPI still hopes to influence the discussions.

With our correspondent in Abidjan, Francois Hume-Ferkatadji

In Côte d’Ivoire, political dialogue must resume today between the main political formations of the country, including the RHDP, the PPA-CI, the FPI or the PDCI. But some parties or associations, including Simone Gbagbo’s Movement for Capable Generations (MGC), were not invited to the dialogue. So Simone Gbagbo wants to bring them together in a platform.

This political platform, which does not yet have a name, already brings together six rather modest parties, including the Ivorian Workers’ Party and the Ivorian Alliance for the Republic and Democracy.

A new IEC

Even absent from the dialogue, Simone Gbagbo revealed the priorities of her movement such as improving the security environment. She particularly regrets the recent evictions » or the recruitment of « germs by the political parties: This scourge, which is a direct consequence of the 2002 rebellion, has become a formidable political weapon. We have seen these microbes act as a auxiliary militia of the sovereign forces during the crisis of Mr. Alassane Ouattara’s third term. »

The founder of the FPI also calls for the release of political prisoners and the return of exiles, the adoption of a new Constitution by referendum, the writing of a new electoral law, and finally the establishment of a new CEI that ‘she wishes “ truly independent “. She draws the outlines: These actors of the CEI will be recruited by invitation to tender and apart from the parties of the political movements. They will not be representatives of power, nor of the opposition. »

Simone Gbagbo still wants to be able to participate officially in the political dialogue, and intends to influence the discussions.

To date, the other political parties have communicated very little on the topics of discussion that they wish to see on the agenda of the political dialogue.
