Silent Hill F announced

Silent Hill F announced

The Silent Hill F game, which was shown last in Konami’s presentation, may be the most different game in the series, especially with its theme.

In the Silent Hill Transmision presentation, which ended in the past few minutes, the game called Silent Hill F was also announced. The production, which will take the story to the east by getting rid of the western theme, which we see in the whole series, will appear as a kind of spin-off.

Silent Hill F is coming

Silent Hill f, which is stated to take place in 1960s Japan, is written by Ryukishi07, the Japanese visual novelist behind the Higurashi and Umineko series.

In the trailer of the game, we witness that a kind of mushroom has taken over a big town. In general, it seems that this mushroom is located in the center of the trailer. Especially the mushroom-covered female theme at the end of the trailer looks really interesting. However, it is a fact that the general atmosphere and theme are not associated with Silent Hill, especially since it takes place in Japan.

The developer team of the game is the biggest question mark. Because China-based Neobard Entertainment, which developed the game, is a company that mostly supports HD Collection packages and helps develop games such as Resident Evil Re: Verse. You can check out this trailer for the game below.
