Significant solid-state battery strides have been made in the electric car world

Significant solid state battery strides have been made in the electric

The future lays the foundation for the electric car market. solid state battery systems will be created. In this respect BMW, Solid Power and more works.

Today many electric car The model offers quite good range values. But this is a start and solid state batteries With much more on the way. In the future lithium-ion have been on these batteries for a very long time. BMW, Ford, QuantumScape, SolidPower and Samsung names are active. This new generation battery technology, which is safer than lithium-ion batteries and can store higher energy than existing solutions, provides a longer usage time and is much more resistant to harsh conditions. expected to revolutionize the field. solid state batteriesIt can store more energy per unit area than lithium-ion batteries. 800 km standardizes such ranges.

As we said in the title, there have been two important developments in the field today. Long time working on technology Solid Power firm, BMW decided to take their partnership with the company one step further. Licensed by Solid Power’s solid state battery research/development, cell design and manufacturing practices BMWaims to use the company’s pilot production line at its own facility in Germany to manufacture its own prototype battery cells. The two manufacturers also announce that they will carry out joint R&D studies for the future.


Solid Power COO, Dr. Derek Johnson has conveyed: “We are excited to further our relationship with BMW, which has shown strong support for technologies developed by Solid Power over the past seven years. We believe this expanded partnership and increased collaboration is a testament to Solid Power’s confidence in technology development.” BMW and Ford, Solid Power as a partner to the firm last year. 130 million dollars They made an investment and showed the importance they gave to the field.

Meanwhile, another very important step has been taken today regarding solid state batteries. One of the pioneers in the field QuantumScape, “Sample A0” The first high energy density 24-layer solid state batteries, known as sent it to many electric car manufacturers for testing. Founded in 2010, QuantumScape is the most advanced battery ever made solutionIn the future, it may take place in many automobile centers and standardize high range and speed values.
