Sigep: “Beyond taste, ice cream as an ambassador of Italian tourism”

Sigep Beyond taste ice cream as an ambassador of Italian

(Finance) – “Beyond taste, ice cream as an ambassador of Italian tourism”, this is the title of the conference organized by Assoturismo Confesercenti And AIG Italian Ice Cream Makers Association during the SIGEP of Rimini, the exhibition dedicated to artisanal ice cream and the art of desserts.

Appointment Tuesday 21 January 2024 at 12.00 in the Tiglio room of the Rimini exhibition centre. They will intervene Giancarlo Banchieri, president Fiepet Confesercenti, Claudio Pica, AIG general secretary and vice president Fiepet Confesercenti, ed Eugenio Morrone, winner of the “Gelato World Cup” 2020 edition.

Conclusions entrusted to Vincenzo Pennestrìpresident of AIG, e Vittorio Messinapresident of Assoturismo Confesercenti.

The Conference will be an opportunity to demonstrate, through data and virtuous experiences, the importance of ice cream, Italian excellence in the world, for Tourism and for the development of Made in Italy.
