Side Quest: The mythic Quest spin-off is available on Apple TV +

Side Quest The mythic Quest spin off is available on Apple

Side Quest is a series of anthologies and the spin-off of the Side Quest series. The four episodes of this first season have been available in streaming since March 26, 2025 on the Apple TV +service.

With mini-series Side Questthe spin-off of Mythic Questyou will discover what is going on in parallel with the legendary game. Made by Ashly Burch, John Howell Harris, Katie MCELHENNY, the creators of the original Mythic Questthis series of anthology is interested in the different characters that revolve around the game. Each episode is devoted to a specific person or link and will bring together members of the original casting, such as Derek Waters or Rob Mcelherney, as well as new actors.

The exclusive mini-series of Apple TV + is broadcast in streaming Since March 26, 2025, the day of broadcasting the last episode of the fourth season on the Apple TV +platform. The broadcast of a season 5 of Mythical quest has not yet been confirmed.

What is the intrigue of Side Quest ?

All gamers and MMORPG fans (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game in French) know the principle of Side Quest. This means playing without following the main frame of the game, focusing on annexed quests. The series Side Quest Resumes this principle and explores in parallel with the main series, the life of the actors who revolve around the game: developers and players.

From Phil, the artistic director who does not manage to cut with work, even on vacation, to Sylvie, one of the cellists who plays the theme of mythical Quest, passing by the geeks of a comic strip store, Side Quest invites himself into the daily life of those who make live Mythic Quest.

What a cast for Side Quest ?

  • Trisha Simmons: Lisa
  • Shalita Grant: Janae
  • Derek Waters: Phil
  • Van Crosby: Devon
  • Annamarie Kasper: Sylvie
  • ESAI MORALES: Gustavo
  • Rome Flynn: Mike
  • Anna Konkle: Maude
  • Melanie Brook: Kelly / Sorisana

Where to view Side Quest Streaming?

The four episodes of the anthology series Side Quest have been broadcast in streaming since March 26, 2025 on the Apple TV +streaming platform. The Apple giant also broadcasts the first four seasons of the original series Mythic Quest. To access this content you can subscribe to the platform via a simple subscription for 6.99 euros per month. You can also access the service by subscribing to one of the MyCanal offers, from 19.99 euros per month.
