Shutter copper networks, we start from Brolo. The “100% Vera Fiber” Fiber fiber project is underway

Shutter copper networks we start from Brolo The 100 Vera

(Finance) – is Broloin the province of Messina, one of the very first Italian municipalities to abandon the copper to migrate to the network of the future. The Sicilian village is in fact one of the first 4 centers from north to south selected in “100% real fiber“, The Open Fiber project aimed at encouraging the Switch-off of copper in the telecommunication infrastructure.

Open Fiber has long completed the work of the new network in Brolo in fiber opticswhich today reaches around 4,500 real estate units between homes, companies, public offices and schools. The infrastructure is made with the technology FTTH (Fiber-to-the-home, the optical fiber spread up to the buildings), the only solution capable of guaranteeing connection speed over 1 Gigabit per second. The main partner operators of Open Fiber, together with the Internet Service Providers, are already marketing the services on the ultra -vezen network created: interested users can check the coverage of their address on the website, contact one of the available operators and choose the plan Favorite tariff to start navigating at very high speed.

It is a investment strategic for the digitization of the territories that do not weigh on the budget of the Municipality. The technological infrastructure, in fact, was financed with regional and state funds within the ultra broad band plan (BUL) managed by Infratel Italia, a company of the Ministry of Companies and Made in Italy, with the coordination of the Sicilian Region.

Brolo appears in the first common-pilot For a series of factors. Above all: the wide coverage of the territory guaranteed by the new fiber optic network and the marked opening to the digital innovation demonstrated by the community. The “100% true fiber” project involves in particular the synergy between the Municipality and Open Fiber to minimize i activation times of users, thus encouraging the migration process from copper. Through a authorization unique Indispensable to the final pre-boxing of the Brolo real estate units, the Municipality is relieved of the release of multiple instances with the demolition of the timing of obtaining permits.

“The elimination of copper and the contextual laying of the fiber optic represents a fundamental piece of the growth and modernization strategy that we wanted to give with our administrative action. We can guarantee – he says Joseph LaccotoMayor of Brolo – Ultra fast connections for schools, offices and other municipal structures, with relevant economic savings for the costs of utilities. But this intervention is not only a technical improvement: the laying of optical fiber is an integral part of our 360 degree development vision, which aims to make brolo more modern, efficient and competitive. Technological innovation is not an isolated goal, but the engine that feeds the quality of public services and the daily life of citizens. We want a connected city, capable of offering simple and accessible digital solutions, which make everything easier and more immediate. I also think of the companies that now operate in the online trade sector, but also to tourists who come to Brolo: we must do everything possible to provide them with the most performing network possible. I am sure that everyone will benefit from a super fast internet network, businesses and citizens “.

“With this project – he declares Paola MartinezHead of Open Fiber – Open Fiber territorial institutional affairs intends to offer its contribution to the process of extinguishing copper networks, demonstrating how much and how the spread of optical fiber contributes to the development of communities, especially those most distant from large centers and metropolitan areas . The migration process to the Fiber Fiber networks FTTH unfortunately proceeds slowly: without a specific regulatory impulse, the actual shutdown of copper would be obtained well beyond the Gigabit connectivity targets set by Italy and the EU, frustrating all the efforts and technological investments that the country is supporting to hit the objectives of the digital and ecological transition. We start from Brolo just to show that Italy is ready for the digital revolution “.

All Broolo residential users will have further opportunity: who will activate an ultra -fast connection through the partner operators of Open Fiber by 30 June 2025, will in fact be able to receive a voucher of 100 euros To be converted into an gift voucher, a mediaworld gift card or a fuel voucher. The deadline for requesting prizes is set at 31 August 2025.
