Opinion blogger AlphaKevin was banned from Twitch while reacting to a video about streamer Shurjoka. He feels he was treated unfairly. The streamer says influencers are making money at her expense.
Who was banned? The Twitch channel of opinion blogger “AlphaKevin” was banned on the evening of September 5, 2024. The 24-year-old streamer was live on air at the time and reacted to a video by another opinion blogger.
The content of the video to which AlphaKevin reacted was the Twitch streamer Shurjoka, from whose streams excerpts could be seen again and again.
For this, AlphaKevin received a copyright strike and his channel was temporarily blocked on Twitch.
Most recently, AlphaKevin was banned by gambling streamer Scurrows in September 2022. In the long run, however, the content creator benefited from the conflict, which gave his channel a significant “push.” AlphaKevin now has over 111,000 followers on Twitch (via SullyGnome).
Content creators are usually self-employed, and a ban often means losing an important source of income.
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AlphaKevin says he only reported neutrally
What does AlphaKevin himself say about his ban? In a YouTube video he published shortly after his ban, the content creator explains that he was banned by a DMCA strike from Askaron, a moderator of Twitch streamer Shurjoka. He says the mod acted on Shurjoka’s behalf.
AlphaKevin said he does not yet know how long the ban will last. However, he wants to take action against the ban and has already submitted a counter-statement to Twitch.
The content creator obviously feels unfairly treated by the ban. He says he never actually had a problem with Shurjoka. Although he has made a few videos about her, he also agreed with her when she had a good point.
Now it has become his downfall that he even brought up the subject.
Violence and Nazi comparisons in the comments
How is this discussed? The ban and its history are being hotly debated in the comments on YouTube and X. Most viewers don’t seem to be able to understand the ban. Some users say that if Shurjoka takes action against “neutral” influencers who report “fairly”, she shouldn’t be surprised if no one is on her “side” anymore.
But there are also more drastic comments. In one post, an X user writes that Shurjoka and her mod will soon be “visited” by baseball bats and masks (via X). In other comments, the Twitch streamer is even compared to Hitler. She is accused of using methods from the Nazi era (via X).
Shurjoka says: Influencers have been making money at their expense for 15 months
What does Shurjoka himself say about the ban? For the streamer, the DMCA strike is a consequence of the fact that, in her view, content creators have been making money from content about her for over a year.
She writes: For over 15 months, more than 40 influencers stole her content and monetized it for themselves.
The influencers would build their livelihoods on this content against Shurjoka and even brag about how much they earned from it. This probably refers to influencers like the Twitch streamer MontanaBlack, who showed how much money he earned from reactions to food.
She describes the behavior of these content creators as “stupid” and “illegal.” She would now draw the same conclusions as all other major content creators (via X).
Why is this a difficult topic? DMCA strikes are frowned upon among influencers. It’s a kind of unwritten rule that you don’t forbid each other from reacting to content – after all, every content creator knows how annoying it is when content is removed or even accounts are blocked.
By commenting on other people’s videos, all influencers can benefit from the “reaction meta” that has been strong for several years and no one has to worry about their account. A copyright strike against other creators with whom you are in dispute is therefore often seen as “unsportsmanlike”.
In the ongoing conflict between Shurjoka and several influencers, several such strikes have already occurred. The Twitch streamer says that YouTuber Tobias Huch “submitted a DMCA strike on Twitch” because she showed a video without properly citing the source in which she was insulted. Therefore, she now wants to do the same (via X).
One can speculate that a recent video by AlphaKevin entitled “Gronkh is Misogyny according to Shurjoka” has now led Shurjoka to view him as part of the group of influencers who want to make money with their content and their name.
Shurjoka had already resorted to the copyright complaint in December 2023. She explained that she herself did not feel comfortable initiating a DMCA strike. In this context, she also criticized the streaming platform, because it places more value on copyright than on the well-being of the streamers. Streamer feels compelled to violate unwritten rule, has streamer banned from Twitch