Canadian Twitch streamer Michael “shroud” Grzesiek is best known for his skill in shooters. However, the former professional also likes to play MMORPGs like World of Warcraft and action RPGs. Now he’s taken with Last Epoch, which he praises in almost every area.
This is how well Last Epoch is received:
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This is what shroud says: The well-known Twitch streamer shroud has been playing Last Epoch for some time. In his latest stream from March 3rd, he raved about the game and explained why he’s celebrating it so much:
This game has so many things and at the same time it is not too difficult. [Sogar] a fool like me could figure this all out on his own given enough time. You only need to use the crafting system once or twice for each of its categories and you’ll get the idea.
The crafting system in particular is something that excites many veterans. Even players with over 6,000 hours in Path of Exile praise the crafting and itemization in general. This is also one of the biggest advantages at shroud.
The streamer says: The hunt for items was extremely successful. Again and again you find items that make you wonder whether you could build something cool out of them. The “wild hunt for loot” and the resulting countless builds are what’s cool about Last Epoch.
You can find shroud’s latest stream on Last Epoch on Twitch here. His comments on the game and Diablo 4 start around 1:53:50.
A particularly crazy build doesn’t even need weapons to work. You can see what Last Epoch looks like in the trailer:
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“I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to play Diablo again.”
When talking to his chat, shroud comes up with the comparison to Diablo 4. He says:
I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to play Diablo again. It’s simply not worth it. [Last Epoch] It simply beats it in almost every single area.
Diablo 4 is only superior in two things: performance and appearance. Last Epoch isn’t ugly, but what Diablo does with his skills is simply overwhelming. Every skill is bombastic and has a visible impact on the world.
In terms of performance, Diablo 4 is also clearly ahead. Everything runs smoothly and looks great. Nvidia’s DLSS, for example, would be a system that could take Last Epoch a big step forward, says shroud.
The streamer concludes his hymn of praise by saying that it is now about how Last Epoch will perform in the future. The game was released in top condition, so it would be difficult to resupply with the appropriate quality. Other games would have it easier: they release poorly and then get better with expected features. But the developers apparently already have big plans: Last Epoch wants to be the best game in the genre – explains what happens next with a big update