Show: “Voice Off”, meeting lively inner voices

Show Voice Off meeting lively inner voices

Let’s meet our inner voices, these little voices that help us build ourselves, organize our thoughts, motivate us, which can appear premonitory, friendly or invasive, or which sometimes haunt us…

Guest : Anne-Quentinauthor, drama critic (Cahiers de la Comédie française, CNDP, Stradda), journalist specializing in cultural policies (La Scène).

Anne Quentin and Cathy Blisson recorded the testimonies of people who dialogue with their inner voices. It is then the voice smugglers who, on stage, equipped with an earpiece, reproduce to the word and to the breath the word that they have in their ear and that they are the only ones to hear…

Voice offa performance by Cathy Blisson and Anne Quentin from Collective &to be discovered on Thursday 12 January 2023 at Aubervilliers Laboratories.

And the chronicle Flea in the ear by Lucie Bouteloup: today, …
