Show: Isabelle Lafon lets herself be shaken by a wind of madness

Isabelle Lafon on the boards of the Théâtre de La Colline in Paris.

With the show “Je pars sans moi”, Isabelle Lafon and the actress Johanna Korthals immerse themselves in the stories of hospitalized children and adults, meetings with psychiatrists, readings to weave the thread of our singular “follies”, our inner voices, and try to approach these moments of more or less acute, more or less long mental distress, likely to concern us all.

Guests :

Isabelle Lafon, actress, director. His latest creation, “I’m leaving without me” is on view at the Théâtre de la Colline in Paris until February 12, 2023. The text of the play is inspired by the works of the psychiatrist Gaetan de Clerambault and writings of Fernand Deligny.

On stage, Isabelle Lafon is accompanied by the actress Johanna Kothals.

Today, Flea in the ear “puts the spleen in the court bouillon”. A completely unexpected recipe that does not bode well… To talk about it, Lucie Bouteloup receives the lexicographer Jean Pruvost.
