Shoulder osteoarthritis: symptoms, causes, what to do?

Shoulder osteoarthritis symptoms causes what to do

Shoulder pain can be a sign of osteoarthritis also called “osteoarthritis” when it affects this area of ​​the arm. What are its symptoms? What solutions to treat and relieve pain? Is sport (including bodybuilding) possible? Answers with Dr Éric Noël, rheumatologist.

Do you have persistent shoulder pain? It may be aboutosteoarthritis that is to say of a joint cartilage wear. A radio will confirm the diagnosis. “Tendon cuff pathology is recognized as an occupational disease. Articulation wear due to professional factors is more complicated to demonstrate” indicates Dr Éric Noël. What are the symptoms of one shoulder osteoarthritis ? What are the causes ? What solutions to cure her?

Diagram of shoulder osteoarthritis © iiuliawhite-123RF

Definition: what is osteoarthritis of the shoulder?

“Shoulder osteoarthritis is a cartilage wear on both sides of the joint : the head of the humerus and the glenoid of the scapulasays Dr Éric Noël, rheumatologist in Lyon. There are two main types of shoulder osteoarthritis: centric osteoarthritis and eccentric osteoarthritis which follows an old rupture of the rotator cuff (groups of tendons inserting themselves on the head of the humerus). Osteoarthritis of the shoulder generally affects people ofat least 50 years old, and is more common in women than in man.

What are the causes of osteoarthritis in the shoulder?

Eccentric osteoarthritis is “osteoarthritis following a rotator cuff tendon rupture“says Dr Éric Noël. “When the tendons are torn, the cartilage is damaged” he explains. Centric osteoarthritis occurs on normal tendons but with joint wear as is the case with osteoarthritis of other joints such as the knee or ankle. “This wear and tear can be favored by trauma (fractures), by activities that put a lot of strain on the shoulder, a genetic background or even a abnormal orientation of the scapula which promotes premature wear of the cartilage “ describes the rheumatologist.

What are the symptoms of shoulder osteoarthritis?

Shoulder osteoarthritis is indicated by joint pain, first with effort then constantly, including at night. Strength may be diminished. “When osteoarthritis is advanced, the shoulder is less mobile like any joint with osteoarthritis” says Dr Éric Noël.

The diagnosis of shoulder osteoarthritis is clinical and confirmed by x-rays. Very beginner forms may require making a scan or MRI.

If the pain is severe, the solution is surgical and consists of fitting a shoulder prosthesis

What are the treatments for osteoarthritis of the shoulder?

The treatment of osteoarthritis of the shoulder is identical to the treatment of osteoarthritis of other joints.

► The first treatment is joint economy. “It is a question of sparing the joint by soliciting it less: less use of the arms in the air (above the level of the shoulders) and less carrying of loads” explains the rheumatologist.

► Medicines analgesics and anti-inflammatories act on pain.

chondro-protective treatments over time make the joint less reactive to stress.

“When the shoulder is painful all the time, even at night, infiltrations (cortisone injections) can be performed under X-ray or ultrasound control” informs Dr Éric Noël.

Of the hyaluronic acid injections can be done to lubricate the joint but it is effective only if the rotator cuff tendons are not damaged”.

platelet concentrate injections (PRP) grow, platelets releasing substances with healing properties and growth factors. “Studies are interested in the injection of botulinum toxin to stabilize the evolution of osteoarthritis” informs Dr Éric Noël.

► The physiotherapy is useful to relieve pain with cold, ultrasound, physiotherapy. It also allows you to maintain a sufficient level of movement.

If the medical treatment fails, if the pain is severe and the person is very bothered on a daily basis, the solution is surgical and consists of fitting a shoulder prosthesis. “There are two kinds: anatomical prostheses that are placed if the tendons are in good condition and reverse prostheses when the tendons are damaged” says the rheumatologist. “This surgery is very effective if performed by a specialist in shoulder surgery.”

Which sports in case of osteoarthritis of the shoulder?

“The sports recommended or not recommended depend on the type of pain, the mobility of the shoulder and the condition of the tendons” says Dr Éric Noël. When the shoulder is stiff and/or the tendons are damaged, sports requiring arms in the air or carrying a load are not recommended (weight training). The recommended sports are swimming and those that do not mobilize the upper limbs: running, walking…

What are the links between diet and osteoarthritis?

“Certain foods can cause joint pain, but no food accelerates osteoarthritisinforms Dr Éric Noël. “The way of eating will only influence if the osteoarthritis is secondary to a gouty disease, this osteoarthritis can also be linked to an excess of iron in the body” says the rheumatologist.

Thanks to Dr Éric Noël, rheumatologist in Lyon.
