Should you (or not) give a gift to your child’s teacher, ATSEM or nanny at the end of the year?

Should you or not give a gift to your childs

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    in collaboration with

    Amélie Boukhobza (Clinical psychologist)

    Every year, it’s the same ritual. You struggle to find a small gift for your child’s school teacher (without ever really knowing what he or she will like). Yet other parents aren’t worried about it. Is this gesture so important? We asked the question to a psychologist.

    Chocolates, a personalized mug, a drawing by your child… What would please the school teacher or the nanny, that’s the question that torments many parents in June. So much so that it can become a constraint, or even a little extra stress. But the end of year gift is not obligatory. Other parents go on vacation and don’t take the time to do so (without denigrating the teacher). So, should we continue?

    A gesture that symbolizes recognition

    For Amélie Boukhobza, clinical psychologist, this little end-of-year ritual is not trivial. And if it is not obligatory, it nevertheless remains important in a relationship with the professionals who take care of our children on a daily basis.

    “Offering a gift to your child’s teacher or ATSEM is a gesture that I greatly appreciate. It represents recognition and appreciation for the work accomplished throughout the school year. It is showing gratitude for the education and well-being of their child, thus valuing their daily investment, often beyond professional expectations. This gesture can also generate a more harmonious collaboration between parents and teachers, which is always beneficial for the child.”

    An example for his child

    This is not the only benefit of this small gesture of courtesy offered to the teacher or the Atsem of her child. For the psychologist, it is also one of the examples of what you can pass on to your child, from a very young age for a good start in life.

    “By involving your child in the choice and giving of the gift, we teach them important values ​​such as gratitude and recognition. It’s a way of showing them that giving thanks is important in life.”

    Should we be original or set a certain price?

    However, there is no need to worry if you cannot aim for the item, the piece of jewelry or even the coveted bouquet (especially since you sometimes have to thank several teachers…). It is not the value that counts but rather the symbol.

    “It is essential to respect one’s possibilities. It is not so much the price of the gift that counts, but its emotional value, its meaning and the sincerity of the gesture” confirms our psychologist.

    Thus, a simple gift, but carefully chosen with the intention of pleasing the person who receives it, becomes all the more precious!
