In France, 12.8 million employees benefit from a collective savings system set up by their company via employee savings. However, the mechanisms inherent in this system remain poorly known. Also, in the spring, when the participation and profit -sharing opinions arrive in the mailboxes, some are well not offset to adopt the right strategy.
These sums resulting from the results of the company can be perceived immediately or placed within a company savings plan (PEE) or a collective retirement savings plan (PER collective), where they will be blocked for a while. “The amounts paid on a employee savings support benefit from an advantageous taxation, otherwise they are considered to be salary and therefore subject to income tax,” recalls Damien Cléris, managing director of Natixis Inrerepargne. Depending on your tax bracket, the invoice can be salty. In addition, some companies encourage their employees to save by offering them a subscription, calculated as a percentage of the sum deposited on the plan.
The abundance, a variable boost
The decision made, it is still necessary to make the right choices when the two envelopes coexist. First, it all depends on your goal. The PEE is more flexible because savings can be removed from it after five years and very many cases of anticipated releases exist, when the PER is a tunnel product, until retirement, with less cases of anticipated unlocking. However, it should not be stopped at this one aspect because the additional boost of the company can be different from one envelope to another. “Those who are keen to encourage their employees to build up retirement savings set up a more advantageous subscription on the PER,” says Benjamin Pedrini, CEO of Epsor. They can also provide two distinct subscriptions: to perceive them, it is then necessary to pour into the two envelopes. Some account contents offer tools, accessible online, to help you see clearly and optimize your payments.
Investment media can also vary from one to the other. “Most companies seek to harmonize them, but this is not always the case. The PER sometimes offers a larger choice because the investment horizon is longer,” says Damien Cléris. There are also piloted investment grids, with a decreased level of risk when approaching its retirement date. ” Last point: a company giving access to an employee shareholding fund can only do it within a PEE.