Should we maintain a minimum wage?

Should we maintain a minimum wage

In France, more than 50 years after its creation, the minimum wage is debated. The minimum wage continues to be increased (eight times since 2021), blocking increases in other salaries. This is what emerges from the recent Bpifrance Le Lab barometer carried out with the Rexecode Institute of Economic Studies. Faced with this situation, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal calls for “de-microcardialization of France”. How to escape from the shackles of the minimum wage and at the same time regulate a minimum wage? How is this happening elsewhere in Europe?

To debate it :

-Anne Eydoux, lecturer in Economics at Cnam, researcher at the Center for the Study of Employment and Labor (CEET) and at the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Economic Sociology (Lise), member of Les Economistes atterrés

– Clément Carbonnier, professor of Economics at the University of Paris 8, researcher at the THEMA Laboratory, co-director of the socio-fiscal policies axis of LIEPP (Interdisciplinary Laboratory for the Evaluation of Public Policies) Sciences Po

– Olivier Redoulès, director of studies at Rexecode.
