Facial treatments for detainees on the occasion of Valentine’s Day, a week later, country dance. The activities offered at the Seysses remand center, in the southwest of France, caused the stupor of the Keeper of the Seals Gérald Darmanin who announced the cessation of all “”fun activities»». A decision denounced by around thirty organizations of defense of the rights of prisoners.
What really resembles the conditions of detention in French prisons? What are the priorities to promote reintegration? What cleavage does this debate reveal?
To debate it ::
– Jean-François Fogliarino, Secretary General of the National Syndicate of Prison Directors-SND-CFDT
– Missoffe pruneManager Analysis and Advocacy at the International Prisons Observatory
– Elsa FaucillonMP of the Hauts-de-Seine of the Democratic and Republican Left Group.