Should we fear new synthetic drugs?

Should we fear new synthetic drugs

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    After natural drugs and synthetic drugs, new synthetic products are now flourishing. These substances, which imitate the effects of various illicit products, have no clear legal status and circumvent the narcotics legislation. The point of view on the question of Nicolas Prisse, president of the Interministerial Mission for the fight against drugs and addictive behavior.

    Synthetic cannabinoids, phenethylamines approaching either MDMA or LSD or even cathinones like 3-MMC… If these names don’t ring a bell, know that these are so-called synthetic drugs. There would be more than 900 different ones, which “circumvent drug laws“according to the website of the French Office for Drugs and Addictive Tendencies (OFDT).

    Very easily accessible drugs

    Increasingly widespread in France, they have even become commonplace in certain circles. “This trend concerns all psychostimulants in my opinion, access to which is today not only facilitated via the internet, but more generally in a general way” explains first of all Dr Nicolas Prisse, President of MILDECA, the Interministerial Mission for the Fight against Drugs and Addictive Behaviours.

    Drugs used in very specific situations

    These drugs are used in specific situations. “Overall, there are three specific situations in which these psychostimulants have spread: the professional environment, the festive environment and in the context of sexual practices. adds Dr. Prisse.

    With the risk of an increase in their consumption, linked to the summer season. “We see that all these products show a sharp increase in distribution, which can actually increase in summer, even if the consumption of cocaine, which is a so-called “natural” drug, remains in the lead. he adds.

    Users from all social classes

    The profile of people who consume this type of product has also changed. “Before, psychostimulants concerned CSP + circles, very closed circles, such as traders, show-business stars… Today, it is more popular circles that use them, in particular to hold on, at work: in catering, for example, or in construction” adds the president of MILDECA.

    An underestimated risk of addiction

    In addition to the greater distribution of these drugs, the problem of dependence and the risk of addiction arises. “It’s an underestimated question, because people who take it think they’re in control of their consumption and have little knowledge of the health risks associated with it.”

    Cardiovascular accidents, hypertension, respiratory failure, heart problems…”The care of these patients is a real problem, because there is no drug treatment for these drugs, unlike heroin, for example” concludes Nicolas Prisse.
