Updated 09.05 | Published 08.52
fullscreen The girl in the attention-grabbing so-called snippa case does not regret using the word snippa, because it led to a social debate. Image from the trial in the Court of Appeal for Western Sweden in February. Photo: Björn Larsson Rosvall/TT
The girl who was victimized in the so-called snipe case still finds it difficult to talk about the incident, she tells P4 Halland.
– I have been let down by someone I trusted, she says.
It is the first time the girl is appearing for an interview. That the snipe case received so much attention is in a way awesome, she thinks.
– It’s cool that others have stood up for me.
It was in June 2021 that a man in his 50s was charged with touching the then ten-year-old girl’s genitals. He was convicted in the district court for two counts of rape against children, but was acquitted in the court of appeal because the court hesitated about what the girl meant by the word “snip”.
The girl herself reacted strongly to the sentence.
– It’s still adults who should know what the word is. Shouldn’t those sitting in the courts go through more sex education? she says to P4 Halland.
The Supreme Court later ruled that the Court of Appeal had made a mistake and the man was sentenced to three years in prison when the case was reconsidered. He has again appealed the sentence.