Shots against townhouses in Malmö

Shots against townhouses in Malmo

Updated 03.44 | Published 03.39

full screen A terraced apartment in Oxie in Malmö was shelled on the night of Sunday. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

A terraced apartment in Oxie in Malmö was shelled on the night of Sunday, Sydsvenskan reports.

The police received an alert that loud bangs had been heard in the area just before two o’clock in the morning.

– When we arrived, we could ascertain that there had been a shooting at a property, says Kurt Marklund, on-call preliminary investigation leader at the Malmö Police, to the newspaper.

No one is said to have been injured in connection with the shooting.

The incident is classified as attempted murder and aggravated weapons offences. No suspect is in custody in the case.
