Shortage of sunflower oil: after oil, mustard is missing from the shelves

Shortage of sunflower oil after oil mustard is missing from

SUNFLOWER OIL. While it is becoming almost impossible to obtain sunflower oil in France, mustard is also starting to become scarce on supermarket shelves. What are the alternatives for making fries or mayonnaise? Here are our tips.

[Mis à jour le 9 mai 2022 à 15h04] Be careful, sunflower oil is not the only one to be scarce on the shelves of your supermarkets. It’s the mustard’s turn to disappear little by little. Indeed, mustard seed producers struggle to produce for various reasons. Among the largest producers, Canada suffered a drought in 2021 and saw its mustard seed stocks melt. Russia, another important supplier, is suffering from financial and economic sanctions because of its presence in Ukraine and can no longer export its seeds. What about France, known for its Dijon mustard? Its seed production has also dropped dramatically. The consequence: a significant price increase. So don’t be surprised to see mustard becoming increasingly rare on the shelves, or at exorbitant prices! It is therefore time to restock if you are running out of oil, but also of mustard.

Ukraine is the world’s largest sunflower producer and the price of sunflower seeds is skyrocketing and expected to continue for several reasons:

  • either because sowing cannot be carried out in large numbers (lack of fields but above all of manpower);
  • either because the sea and land routes to export it are closed, blocked by the Russian army (especially in the Sea of ​​Azov and the Black Sea), saturated or difficult to use.

Are we heading for a long-term shortage? Where can you still find sunflower oil? At what price ? What can you replace it with to season your salads, make mayonnaise, cook fries or make a cake? We explain everything to you below as well as in our detailed file.

You are struggling to find sunflower oil and are looking for alternatives for your cooking recipes. Know that you are not the only one: olive, rapeseed, peanut whose consumption has also increased sharply: up to +78% for rapeseed oil according to Emily Mayer, expert in consumer products at the Iri Institute and interviewed by the newspaper The Parisian. But which oil is better to turn to? It all depends on the recipe and your tastes:

  • To season a salad or make mayonnaise for example, any type of oil is possible. It all depends above all on your tastes in the matter because olive, sesame or coconut oil will give off a more pronounced flavor than rapeseed for example. Otherwise, why not try grapeseed oil?
  • Linseed, walnut or hazelnut oils can also be used in salads. But be careful, they should never be heated!
  • For cooking, you will need to select an oil that can withstand significant temperature increases. For cooking in a frying pan, opt for rapeseed oil with a neutral taste and which will be more economical than olive, coconut or even avocado oil. Peanut oil may be an option, but watch out for allergens. The taste will also be more pronounced.
  • Which olive oil to choose? If you do not want the pronounced taste of olive oil in your dishes, choose a mild and preferably extra-virgin olive oil.
  • Butter can also replace vegetable oils but its consumption must be measured to limit the intake of saturated fats, which cause cholesterol. “The maximum recommended daily intake is 30 grams for men, compared to 20 grams for women”, specifies nutritionist Charlotte Debeugny. in the columns of Figaro.
  • For your cakes and other sweet recipes, the internet is full of oil-free and butter-free recipes, which are often replaced by zucchini or apple compote.

Can rapeseed oil replace sunflower oil for frying?

For fried foods, on the other hand, the situation becomes more complicated. Frying imposes very high temperatures on the oils (up to almost 200 degrees), which requires a stable oil. This is the case of sunflower oil or so-called “special frying” oil which contains large quantities of sunflower oil. However, this is not the case for other oils, including rapeseed oil, which is less resistant to high temperatures. The bottles also often specify that it should not be used hot, in any case not to the point of smoking it because the omega 3 and 6 it contains do not withstand this heat. The strong rise in temperature of vegetable oils would lead to the diffusion of toxic substances, “aldehydes”, considered carcinogenic. The use of these oils in frying, even rapeseed oil, is therefore particularly prohibited with one exception: HOLL rapeseed oil, specially made for this and which can well be maintained at more than 200 degrees in the same way as HO sunflower oil. On the other hand, you can opt for olive oil, which is more expensive but which will offer a very pleasant crispness, while limiting the rise in temperature to 160 degrees if possible. Last solution, peanut oil which also resists high temperatures. But beware in this case of allergens! Finally, if the taste does not bother you, there is still the solution of animal fats: duck or goose fat or lard with beef fat will do the trick.

Is there a shortage of sunflower oil, what are the stocks?

No shortage for the time being but real difficulties of restocking and supply are noted as much among wholesalers as in supermarkets. In France, today, there is no shortage for everyday consumption and there will not be until the summer. Pasta, there is. For sunflower oil, our stocks go until June. Consumers are starting to overstock, they are the ones who are causing the shelves to not be restocked,” said Michel-Edouard Leclerc in early April on BFM TV. The tendency to stock up is also felt among heavyweights in the sector. Questioned by Les Echos, the Lesieur brand, leader in France, claims that consumption has jumped by 40% in a few weeks.As a result, in a few weeks, supermarket shelves have emptied at breakneck speed. usually a stable market and we cannot double our production capacity in three weeks. Adapting our production takes time, warns the Avril group (Lesieur, Puget), in an interview conducted by CheckNews for Liberation. However, we have enough stocks to continue our deliveries until the next harvest in October.” Don’t panic!

Where can I find sunflower oil?

Mistrust ! With the growing shortage, prices have risen in many places. On the internet, you can even find sunflower oil traded at exorbitant prices on sites like Le Bon Coin or Amazon. The best thing is to monitor the stocks in your supermarket, to find out from store managers about possible supplies… And to have a little luck and patience! In many supermarkets, volumes have been rationed: often no more than six bottles per customer, while border supermarkets have also seen an influx from neighboring countries, in particular Germany, where the precious oil is also hunted down. One last piece of advice: to limit the effects of this shortage, consume only what you need and if possible fall back on other oils when possible.

How much is sunflower oil?

With the increase in the price of sunflower seeds and the supply difficulties, the price of a liter of sunflower oil has already experienced a serious blow of heat: according to INSEE, the price of a tonne of sunflower oil on the market went from 1500 dollars last February to more than 2250 dollars in March, a record! The outbreak is expected to continue. For now, the consequences are not really visible in stores since stocks are still based on old prices. What will happen this summer and especially next winter? Here we touch on the great unknown of this crisis situation. To give you an idea, you should know that you can still find cans of sunflower oil around 2 euros per liter for the most affordable and around 3 to 4 euros for major brand or so-called premium references. You still have to find them on the shelves. Speculation has already taken hold on the Internet, where on online sales sites can be found cans of oil at extravagant prices: from 10 to 25 euros per liter of sunflower oil found on Amazon or Ebay!

Will the shortage of sunflower oil have an impact on the prices of French fries in restaurants?

For restaurateurs, these supply difficulties sound like a real headache. Restaurants used to serving fried foods (French fries but also tempuras, donuts or fried fish such as carp and fries restaurants in Alsace) should be particularly affected. Because who says supply difficulties and shortages also says rising prices! Sunflower oil prices have already jumped, following the rise in sunflower seed prices which have doubled in a few weeks. “As restoration artisans, we know how to find alternatives, especially with beef or duck fat. We can also opt for gratins or sautéed apples, which a fast food cannot do”, explains Jean Terlon, vice-president of the UMIH (Union des Métiers et des Industries Hôtelières) interviewed by The Dispatch. So expect changes to the menu or increases on certain dishes. Fast food restaurants, on the other hand, have no choice and should be forced to raise their prices. The whole strategy will consist in making this increase as painless as possible, for example by keeping call prices on inexpensive menus or flagship products such as children’s menus and increasing them on more upscale products.
