Shortage of gasoline, general strike, death of the actor of Hagrid… The news of the week

Shortage of gasoline general strike death of the actor of

NEWS. What happened in France and in the world this week? Linternaute offers you a summary of the news between October 10 and 14, 2022.

Were you offline this week? You haven’t turned on the radio or the TV? You didn’t buy the newspaper? Or did you simply not want to be informed on a daily basis? Internet user offers you a summary of the news in France and abroad for this week October 10 to 14, 2022. Through our summaries and our selection of articles, catching up on the news of the week is done at a glance .

A shortage of fuel and long queues at gas stations

Let it be clear from the outset, there is no connection here between the shortage of fuel and the war in Ukraine. This week, motorists experienced major difficulties in refueling their vehicles due to a strike that affected six of the seven refineries present in mainland France, as well as in a major fuel depot. The employees of these industrial sites have stopped work to ask for an increase in their wages. What lead to a shortage of supply in about a third of the stations in the country and images of huge queues, at any time of the day and night.

However, despite the strike, the government requisitioned personnel at the Port-Jérôme refinery (Seine-Maritime) between Rouen and Le Havre, as well as at the Mardyck fuel depot (North), near Dunkirk. A minimum fuel delivery service was therefore provided.

This Friday, the employees of two refineries belonging to the Esso-ExxonMobil group (Port-Jérôme and Fos-sur-Mer) announced that they were ending the strike, while the movement is being renewed on the four other sites, as well as at the depot. of Mardyck despite the requisition of personnel, all belonging to the Total group.

On the claims side, negotiations are always complicated. Several trade unions represent employees. To appease the climate, Total proposed a salary increase of 7% from 1er December, as well as a bonus of 3,000 to 6,000 euros. The CFDT and the CFE-CGC signed the agreement, but not the CGT. Same scenario at Esso-ExxonMobil where a 6.5% increase in wages and a bonus of €3,000 was accepted by the CFDT and the CFE-CGC and refused by the CGT.

A march against the high cost of living organized, a call for a general strike launched

This week was therefore marked by a social protest for a salary increase. A movement, starting from the refineries, which will extend to many sectors since a call for a general strike was launched by the CGT for Tuesday, October 18, 2022. Transport, National Education or even Health could be concerned. A day organized two days after a march against high prices, initiated by left-wing political parties.

Noël Le Graët, president of the FFF, accused of harassment, but not only

The president of the French Football Federation is in turmoil, accused by former employees of the FFF of sexual and moral harassment, as revealed on Wednesday by an investigation by Radio France. In addition, the boss of French football is implicated for being very distant in the face of the living conditions of workers in Qatar, especially in the Hôtel des Bleus.

Another bad news for French football, midfielder N’Golo Kanté’s package for the World Cup.

Death of the actor of Hagrid in Harry Potter and Angela Lansbury

This week was also marked by the death of two iconic agreements: that of Robbie Coltrane, who played the role of Hagrid in Harry Potter, but also of Angela Lansbury, known for her roles in The teenage witch or Death on the Nile.

And also in the news this week…

Also in the news this week: a controversy in Strasbourg concerning products banned from sale on the Christmas market, Ukraine which announces that it has regained ground against Russia in the south of the country, North Korea which is testing ballistic missiles, Donald Trump subpoenaed, floods in Australia and an alarmist WWF report on wildlife.
