Shooting in Akalla – criminal linked to the address, according to information

Shooting in Akalla criminal linked to the address according

Updated 10.40 | Published 10.30



A one-year-old child was sleeping when an apartment in Akalla was shelled at dawn on Midsummer’s Day.

Eight shots and some form of exploding object must have been aimed at the home, according to information to Aftonbladet.

A man wanted in custody in his absence last week has links to the address.

It was just after 04:30 on Saturday that the police received a call about a shooting at a residence in an apartment building in Akalla in northwest Stockholm.

Two adults and a one-year-old child were sleeping in the apartment. One person suffered minor shrapnel injuries.

There were also traces outside the home indicating that an object had detonated, the police said.

– There is damage outside the home, I don’t want to go into all the details at the moment, says Helena Boström Thomas, police spokesperson.


full screen A shooting has occurred in Akalla early Saturday morning. Photo: Aftonbladet

Task: Suspect for explosion

According to information to Aftonbladet, the police suspect that it is a hand grenade that was thrown at the home. At least eight shots must also have been fired, according to the information.

Helena Boström Thomas states that the people who were in the home have no connection to gang crime.

However, a man linked to the address was requested to be detained in his absence as recently as last week, suspected of a high-profile explosion earlier this year south of Stockholm. This is according to documents that Aftonbladet has seen.

The explosion south of Stockholm occurred outdoors at an apartment building. A gate and several apartments had their windows blown out, but no one was injured in connection with the explosion.


full screen The police also suspect that there must have been a detonation at the scene. Photo: Aftonbladet

Connects to Foxtrot

At the address where the explosive device went off lives a young man who is in custody on suspicion of probable cause for inciting a murder and two attempted murders during the fall’s wave of violence.

Aftonbladet has previously reported on the crimes that occurred in Åkersberga and Jordbro at the end of September and which were linked to the conflict within the Foxtrot network.

The man linked to the address in Akalla has also previously been sentenced to prison for several crimes, including serious drug offences.
