Shooting at an apartment in Malmö: “The wrong shot sometimes”

Shooting at an apartment in Malmo The wrong shot sometimes

It was passers-by who discovered the bullet holes and alerted the police at lunchtime on Sunday.

— The shots were probably fired sometime during the evening, night or morning. According to the passers-by, there were no bullet holes in the window yesterday, says Evelina Olssonpress spokesperson for police region South.

No one was in the apartment during the shooting.

— Several shots have been fired. We are now looking at whether there is a threat to any resident in the house or in the houses next door. It is known that it is shot wrong sometimes, says Evelina Olsson.

The police have started knocking on doors and will also bring special search dogs to the scene.

“We have a great resource there right now,” says Evelina Olsson.
