Shooter hit of 2021 loses 96% of the players on Steam – Now wants to score with 3 new modes

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

Splitgate attracted tens of thousands of players in 2021 with a crazy new concept. But the hype only lasted a few months. Now the developers are working on fresh content and trying to reignite the excitement.

What is this shooter? Splitgate has actually been in Early Access since 2019. The gameplay is quite simple: fast-paced Unreal Tournament-style shooter gameplay meets Portal. On MeinMMO, Splitgate was a clear recommendation for us as an alternative to CoD Vanguard and Battlefield 2042.

You jump rapidly through the map and confuse your opponents (or yourself) with portals. The mechanic brings a whole new dimension to shooters and has so many players that the indie studio even had to postpone the release.

In August 2021, the game peaked with over 67,000 concurrent players. The success even attracted sponsors who pledged a total of $100 million to Splitgate. Since then, however, the game has been quiet.

New shooter on Steam has a luxury problem: “We get players faster than server capacity”

How is it now in the split gate? According to steamcharts, an average of 1,362 players were still playing in May 2022 and 2,198 at the peak. For comparison:

  • in August 2022, 67,724 players played at its peak
  • on average, Splitgate had 36,262 players there
  • the average number of players has thus fallen by 96.24%
  • However, over 1,000 players is by no means a death sentence for an indie shooter. The developers are even confident and introduce 3 new modes that players can discover soon.

    The latest video from Splitgate shows the improved version of the Map Abyss:

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    3 New Modes in Season 2 – What’s Next?

    These are the new modes: In a new blog post, the developers spoke about the future of Splitgate. The highlight are 3 new game modes:

  • Hotzone: a variant of King of the Hill where you have to secure a zone for 30 seconds to score. After that, the position of the zone changes.
  • Lockdown: a variant of domination. All 3 zones must be held by a team to score a point. Then switch positions.
  • Juggernaut: a player becomes a juggernaut, gains more life points and is faster, but can no longer place portals. Every second as a Juggernaut scores points and all other players play against him. If the Juggernaut dies, the killer becomes the new Juggernaut.
  • The team modes are intended to fix the “snwoballing” problem the community is currently struggling with. Juggernaut is set to bring more Free for All action. Juggernaut, Hotzone, and Lockdown follow Evolution from Season 1 as new modes.

    In case you missed it, here’s the Season 1 trailer:

    Splitgate Beta Season 1 Trailer

    When does all this appear? The new modes and further adjustments are to come with the 2nd beta season of Splitgate. Season 2 will be released on June 2, 2022.

    Even if Splitgate has lost a lot of players, it is still considered an excellent pastime for many – including us in the MeinMMO editorial team. Especially if you only need something in between, Splitgate is ideal:

    The 5 best shooters on Steam that you can play on the side
