Shoes, clothes and other goods are looking for their owners after the Halloween tragedy in South Korea – the number of victims has risen

Shoes clothes and other goods are looking for their owners

The death toll from the accident in South Korea was said to have risen to 156 this morning. Clothes and other personal belongings of the victims and survivors have been collected in the found goods center.

Elsa Osipova,

Anne Orjala

15:52•Updated 15:55

The actions of the authorities are gathering criticism in South Korea. Over the weekend, over 150 people died in a stampede on a popular bar street in Seoul.

Assistant Professor of Korean Studies Andrew Logie assessed to in an email that the poor safety planning of the narrow street partly led to the tragedy.

– The older areas of Seoul are the undoing of the shantytowns founded by refugees from the Korean War. New neighborhoods have subsequently been formed in these areas.

South Korean police admitted that authorities were not prepared for a large crowd, despite police receiving numerous reports of crowds heading to the area.

On Tuesday, the police apologized for the events.

Logie estimates that Itaewon’s reputation as a popular neighborhood among foreigners and the large proportion of foreigners among the victims has attracted international attention.

– Since 2014, South Korea’s reputation internationally and especially in Western countries has risen. As a result, the number of young people and Westerners in South Korea has increased.

For example, there are many students in the country. In the weekend accident, mostly men and women under 30 years of age were involved.

The number of victims of the accident rose to 156

The number of victims of the accident was said to have risen to 156 on Tuesday morning. The country’s Ministry of the Interior reports on the matter.

The authorities have previously said that at least 154 people were trampled to death on Saturday night.

According to Tuesday’s data, at least 151 people were injured, and 29 people were also seriously injured. At least 26 foreigners are among the dead.

Sources: Reuters, AFP
