Shock warning to Android users! Delete this app now

Shock warning to Android users Delete this app now

Malware can threaten both Android and iOS users. From time to time, news that there are applications containing malicious software in the application stores are also reflected in the press. Google, the owner of the Android app store, Google Play Store, and Apple, the owner of the iOS app store, App Store, aims to ensure that applications containing malicious software are detected as soon as possible, and they are removed from the stores. Now, it is said that an application called “2FA Authenticator” threatens users.


According to the report published by Pradeo, which provides mobile security services; A malicious app called 2FA Authenticator was discovered by researchers. It was reported that the application called 2FA Authenticator on Google Play was installed more than 10 thousand times. It was also found that the application in question was used by hackers to secretly install malware on users’ mobile devices. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that the application, which requested access to critical permissions, automatically installed a malicious software called “Vultur”, which targets financial services in order to steal users’ banking information.


Those who use the 2FA Authenticator application are advised to delete the application immediately, while the information that Google has been warned about the application has also been shared. As a matter of fact, Google removed the malicious app from the Google Play store the other day.


However, Google’s removal of the application from the store does not mean that the application has been deleted from the affected devices. In other words, the application, which has been downloaded more than 10 thousand times, may still be installed on some Android phones, although it has been deleted from the store. So, if you are using an Android device and an app called 2FA Authenticator appears to be installed on your device, delete it immediately.
