Shock twist! Superstar sidelined from European football final at the last minute – expert suspects Germany made a big mistake

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Alexandra Popp, who shared the top spot in the goal exchange of the European Championships, missed the final in the last moments. The German Football Association made the announcement just six minutes before the end.

20:12•Updated 20:14

The European Football Championship final saw a dramatic turn just a moment before the start of the final match on Sunday. The German Football Association announced six minutes before the start of the game that the team’s superstar Alexandra Popp sidelined due to muscle problems.

Moments later, the European football association Uefa said that Popp had been injured during warm-ups.

‘s studio also explained the situation at halftime. A clip of the warm-up was found on the tapes, where 12 players were found. In addition to Poppi, the German star had been replaced in the warm-up Lea Schuller.

Expert Timo Furuholm thought that Germany would have confused England and the rest of the soccer-playing world until the very last moments.

– It’s hard to say exactly what the situation has been at this point. But when I saw Poppi’s reactions and use, it felt like the tears had been cried yesterday. It stinks that Popp has been brought in for the warm-up, but it has been known that playing is uncertain or almost impossible, Furuholm reflected.

Popp has been one of the most amazing stories of the Games. The German striker has suffered from injuries, but due to Schüller’s corona infection in the preliminaries, he was included in the starting line-up. Before the injury, Popp managed to score six goals in the tournament and she shared the top spot in the goal statistics with England’s Beth Mead.

In the final, the score was 0–0 at halftime. England had many top positions in the first 45 minutes.

About experts Maija Saari saw that Poppi’s absence affected Germany’s play.

– Popp has been the one who starts the presses. They have cooperated Lina Magullin with. We haven’t seen a similar collaboration from Lea Schüller now, Maija Saari said and pointed to one of the keys to Germany’s success earlier in the EC tournament.
