Shock to Kim Kardashian and Elon Musk! Prohibited

Shock to Kim Kardashian and Elon Musk Prohibited

The British government took the first step regarding the sugar drug, which belongs to a famous pharmaceutical company and is claimed to cause weight loss. It is claimed that Kim Kardashian and Elon Musk, especially Hollywood actresses, are the names that use this drug. In the UK, people’s intense interest in the drug other than its intended use caused the stocks to give a red alert. The government also added the sugar drug to the list of products whose export is prohibited.


It is claimed on social media that Kim Kardashian lost more than six kilos in just three weeks using this drug. Rumors exploded demand for the drug. After the difficulties experienced by diabetics in reaching the drug, the British government decided to ban the export of the drug abroad.


The injectable drug curbs appetite, causing people to lose one-fifth of their weight in a short time. The drug, which came to the shelves with great hopes for diabetics last year, is claimed to have become a drug used by famous names to maintain and lose weight in a short time. No one, whose names were mentioned on social media, made a statement on the subject.
