Shock and panic at Arlanda due to the kitchen chaos

Shock and panic at Arlanda due to the kitchen chaos

Panic and shock. This is how travelers describe the kitchen chaos at Arlanda.

Only Kalle Gustavsson, 8, takes it easy. If he misses the plane, he knows what to do:

– Live life in Stockholm!

When Aftonbladet visits Arlanda’s terminal 5 at lunchtime on Saturday, staff stand and film the giant queues.

Greek traveler Sandra Liljedahl, 21, says she gets “panicked” by all the people. But just like everyone else, she is kindly in line.

Selamwit Fusum, 21, and Alicia Mejfeldt, 18, are in place eight hours before their plane to Rhodes will take off.

– There are a lot of people. I do not really know how they have thought this should go, says Selamwit.

Gina Serani, 30, who will travel to Turkey with her partner Juan Alejo, 30, and sons Johannes, Adam and Amadeo, will be surprised when she gets off the elevator on the departure plane:

– There have never been so many people at Arlanda before. It was a surprise, she says.

“Disturbing, of course”

What do you do if you miss the flight?

– Kolmården, says Juan and laughs, while Gina fills in:

– It will probably not be fun in that case. We have been looking forward to the trip.

She is a little afraid that they will not have time for the flight even though they are so early.

Timo Kivisaari, 57, is on site almost five hours before the flight to Helsinki departs. He is also surprised by the queues.

– It’s a little worrying, of course.

Timo’s reserve plan is Viking Line to Turku.

– The worst thing is that if you miss the plane, you have to buy a new ticket, and then you end up last in the queue again, says Timo.

The reserve plan: “Live life”

Eva Pajala, 44, is on her way to Dubai with her son Kalle Gustavsson, 8. She is not worried about missing the flight, even though they only arrived three hours in advance.

– We saw that when you have children you have to go to a special entrance F. So it’s calm I think.

What do you think about Swedavia not being able to solve the kitchen chaos?

– It’s a little strange that you can not get hold of staff. But we also know that Skavsta has closed for charter, so everyone is leaving here now. It will make a difference, says Eva.

What are you going to do in Dubai?

– Ride water slides and swim. And drink a lot of soft drinks and eat ice cream, says 8-year-old son Kalle.

What will you do if you miss the plane?

– Live life in Stockholm!

“Should have understood”

Stina Johnsson, 22, is on her way to Crete with light packing and does not need to check in. Therefore, she is also on site only three hours before departure.

– It was a minor shock when you came up here. A lot of people. But I will not check in luggage, so I think it will work out.

What do you think about the queues?

– Swedavia should have understood that when the pandemic is over, the travel fever will come. Then you should be able to plan for it beforehand, I think so, says Stina.
