Shlomi, ghost town on the border with Lebanon

Shlomi ghost town on the border with Lebanon

Shlomi is an Israeli town located exactly on the border with Lebanon. Hezbollah’s fire, which began after the Israeli attack on Gaza almost a year ago, destroyed, totally or partially, around 300 homes. But thanks to the army’s anti-missile system, no casualties. Since then, almost all residents have been evacuated. In this ghost village, where Israeli artillery fire directed towards Lebanon resonates, and whose sky is crossed by Hezbollah rockets targeting Israel, the last inhabitants want to believe that the war will not last. But for the moment, they consider it necessary for it to continue.

4 mins

From our special correspondent to Shlomi,

An alarm rings in the void. The streets of Shlomi are almost deserted, yet Shabbat has not yet started. The passers-by that we may encounter are, for the most part, people living in locations further from the border and who travel back and forth every day to work. In the city, some factories continue to operate.

In his supermarket, Michaïl – he prefers to give only his first name – feels very alone. For several months, he has been carrying a pistol on his belt, just in case. Its rays are very poor, and for good reason.

Pre-war products

Before, I was about 1 500 customers per day “, he explains. “ Currently, I have between ten and fifteen. Trucks can no longer come and supply us. I’m going to get the bread with my own car. The few basic products that are still on the shelves date from before the war. »

At Shlomi town hall, Jakov Kutchero is responsible for city security. “ The shooting in the city continues. Yesterday, there were more and the alarm sirens sounded. The difference, compared to a year ago, is that before, the Hezbollah was shooting from the ridge overlooking the town over there. Now they have been pushed back further. But between the moment the sirens sound and the projectiles fall, there are only a few seconds. I’m not allowed to go into detail, but of course, in and around the city there is a significant military presence. Which has intensified in recent days. »

A missile in the next street

Previously, the town had between 9,000 and 10,000 inhabitants. Today, there are only 400 left.

Among the last diehards who refuse to be evacuated, many retirees. Like Nathalie Pozen, who stayed with her husband to take care of their many cats. “ Two months ago, a missile fell on the next street », she says in a voice that remains cheerful. “ A house was destroyed, and the windows in our living room were all blown out. But it’s okay… »

Despite this, Nathalie Pozen and her husband have no intention of leaving. “ Anyway, just a little more time and this will all end. », she puts things into perspective. “ For me, the best place is my house. It’s true that we are at the border, but I have already experienced wars: that of 2006 with the Lebanonothers later, but they all end one day. »

Shlomi town hall.

Also readIsrael: the city of Safed, under Hezbollah rocket fire, for the continuation of the offensive in Lebanon

Land military operation in Lebanon

For several days, Israeli political and military authorities have explained that they are preparing for a ground operation on Lebanese soil.

My opinion is divided », confides Jakov Kutchero, who supervises the safety of residents within municipal services. “ Because it is not possible, even with all the means of aviation, to resolve the problem solely with bombings. Therefore, it will be necessary to enter Lebanese soil. But it bothers me a lot, because it means more risks, more injuries and deaths. »

Among the residents met, some explain that they want to live in peace with their Lebanese neighbors. But everyone considers it necessary to continue the war, to put an end to the threat from Hezbollah.

Also readIn Nazareth, Palestinians from Israel express their doubts about the military offensive in Lebanon
