Shiite leader Sadr’s call to his supporters in Iraq: ‘Withdraw from the area in 1 hour’

Shiite leader Sadrs call to his supporters in Iraq Withdraw

The leader of the Sadr Movement in Iraq, Muqtada es-Sadr, stated that he regrets what has happened in the country since yesterday and asked his supporters, who were fighting on the street, to return to their homes within an hour.

Shiite leader Sadr stated at a press conference that Iraq was the scene of “corruption and violence”.

Sadr said, “I apologize to the Iraqi people for the conflicts. This revolution is not a revolution because it has ceased to be peaceful, and I cannot call it a revolution. It is such a revolution.” said.

Sadr, who also thanked Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kazimi, Iraqi forces and Hashd al-Shaabi elements, criticized the presence of militias in the country.

After Sadr’s call, the curfew in the country was lifted.



Sadr’s call to “return home” to his armed supporters who clashed with government forces in the Green Zone received a positive response. Armed forces affiliated with the Shiite religious and political leader announced that they started to withdraw in obedience to Sadr’s call.



Hundreds of pro-Sadr people raided the Presidential and Government Palace in the Green Zone in the capital Baghdad yesterday. Security forces dispersed the protesters by firing into the air at different points in the Green Zone.

It was recorded that nearly 20 pro-Sadr people lost their lives and more than 150 people were injured in the clashes that have continued since yesterday in the Green Zone, where foreign mission representatives are also located.

Sadr supporters, who also filled the streets in the south of the country, started protests, and an indefinite curfew was declared across the country.


