Shell renewables boss quits company after change in strategy

Shell renewables boss quits company after change in strategy

Although Thomas Brostrom did not comment on this decision, it comes less than a fortnight after the announcement by the Dutch oil group of new investments in oil and gas.

Thomas Brostrom had joined the oil company less than two years ago, after more than a decade spent with the Ørsted group, one of the leaders in offshore wind power of which he was president. When he joins Shellthe stated objective is to further reduce oil production each year until the end of the decade.

Brostrom is there to develop alternative energies. On June 14, a dramatic turn of events and a complete change of strategy: the new CEO announced 40 billion dollars in investments in oil and gas. The oil giant indicates that it is now counting on oil production ” steady ” until 2030, when he had unveiled in 2021 reduction targets of 1 to 2% per year, arousing the ire of environmental activists.

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Last week, Ugandan activist Vanessa Nakaté pointed the finger directly at the company at the opening of the summit for a new global financial pact. “ Shell has just broken the promise it made and plans to increase production to make even more profits. Wow… Broken promises cost lives she noted.

Obviously, this about-face did not please Thomas Brostrom, who left according to the official communication ” pursue new perspectives elsewhere “. As for the department of renewable energies that he headed, it simply disappears from the new organization chart.
