Shehbaz Sharif, the new Pakistani Prime Minister, forms his government

Shehbaz Sharif the new Pakistani Prime Minister forms his government

The main portfolios have been divided between the two main Pakistani parties, the Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N), and the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP). The two teams, long rivals, joined forces with others to bring down Imran Khan on April 10.

The key finance ministry goes to Miftah Ismail. A post he had already briefly occupied in 2018. He inherits an economy in the doldrums, with high inflation, a weak rupee and a growing debt. Before his appointment, Miftah Ismail said he wanted to improve relations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), in order to obtain the payment of the second half of a staggered loan of $ 6 billion granted in 2019.

The new interior minister is Rana Sanaullah, from the Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N). Arrested in July 2019 for drug trafficking, he has not yet been tried.

Only five women are part of this new team, including the former Minister of Information, Mariyum Aurangzeb, who finds the same post. While the son of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, Bilawal Zardari Bhutto, was strongly tipped for the post of foreign minister, it was awarded to Hina Rabbani Khar, according to Dispatch New Desk. Aged 44, this member of the PPP becomes the first woman to hold this position. Prior to that, she was Minister of State for Finance and Economic Affairs.

Hina Rabbani Khar will notably have to repair the relationship with the West, damaged under Imran’s mandate. Khan, who accused the United States of conspiring with the opposition to overthrow him.

However, the life of this government could be relatively short. Between the local and regional interests of some and the national interests of others, it will not be easy to find a guideline. In addition, the deputies of Imran Khan’s party, overthrown on April 10, have resigned from the National Assembly and the former glory of cricket has promised to take the fight for early elections to the streets.

► To read also: PAkistan: decline and impending downfall of Imran Khan

(With AFP)
