She wins Whole Sweden bakes 2023: “Total state of shock”

There are three participants who settle in the final of “Hela Sverige bakar” – Ida Linander, Malahat Farzan and Carla von Hofsten. After an even final, it is ultimately the latter who wins this year’s season of the program.

– I started crying my eyes out when they said my name, I was absolutely sure I wasn’t going to win. I think Ida and Malahat are absolutely incredible – they maintained such a high level throughout the competition. When the jury said my name, I went into a state of complete shock, says Carla.

– It feels half surreal, I myself have followed Hela Sverige bakar almost since the beginning. It’s so crazy to see yourself standing there with the statuette.

That’s how Carla’s baking book will be

Her baking book entitled “Fikasugen” will soon be released.

– It is my tribute to the Swedish fika culture. It contains all the tips and tricks I wish I had when I started baking, says Carla.

The idea for the book was obvious.

– I love coffee, I come from a strong coffee culture. At home, I usually put on my pajamas and put on a rom-com while I’m baking. In the book, I have included a list of romantic comedies, where I have paired all the films with a pastry. It also contains ‘Sex and the City’ references which I think are hilarious – and Yorkshire terriers! she says.

– I am happy that the book became so personal, it really feels like me.

Want to encourage others to dare to break free

In addition to the launch of her dream book, she is looking forward to what the future has to offer.

– My dream had been to have a summer cafe on the West Coast with my mother, to sell buns in bikinis. But then I look forward to sharing tips and tricks with others, I have received a lot of incredible questions on my Instagram. I also want to encourage others to dare to experiment and go wild, the worst that can happen is that it turns out disgusting. It’s not that dangerous, she says.

She describes being part of Hela Sverige bakar as the adventure of a lifetime.

– It’s the funnest thing I’ve ever done. I encourage anyone who likes to bake to apply for the program, it’s like no other. We have become like a minibak family and have a Whats app group that is going hot. I think we all take with us the relationships we built during this competition, it’s so fun to make new friends in adulthood, says Carla.

Stream All of Sweden is baking

Royal splendor is on offer when this year’s home bakers gather at Ulriksdal Castle to fight for the title of Sweden’s best home baker in 2023.
