She Hulk creator had to fight hard for her vision

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She-Hulk: The Lawyer differs from many other MCU series, not least in the brilliant finale. Especially unusual for a Marvel series are the sex scenes, which director Kat Coiro obviously had to take a long time to convince the studio. Warning, spoilers!

She-Hulk’s sex scenes were more problematic than the Marvel jokes

This is also amazing in that the finale of the series pulls the MCU right through the cocoa. One might assume that such scenes would be construed as disrespect towards the studio. but the most natural thing in the world was apparently much more problematic. Coiro explained to The Wrap:

We had to talk about it because we couldn’t do a story about a woman in her 30s and we couldn’t talk about sex. The media is more prudish when it comes to women’s point of view on sex. Iron Man is allowed a lot of stuff, though [bei uns] ruled more scared because of the sex scenes than because of the jokes about Marvel. I didn’t want to go too far, but I didn’t want to serve as a taboo either. Especially for young people.

Even if the series as a whole caused a rather mixed response among fans, the more outspoken tone in She-Hulk seems to resonate. Some sex scenes really wowed MCU fans. Maybe there will soon be a development in the actually quite prudish Marvel screen universe.

From She-Hulk to WandaVision: All 9 MCU series ranked on Disney+

Within less than 2 years, 9 Marvel series have started on Disney+. WandaVision started in 2021 and established the new generation of MCU series. They are more closely tied to the films and often feature well-known MCU characters and stars. We take a critical look back at this phase and rank the series from unnecessary to indispensable.

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What do you think of the sex scenes in She-Hulk?
