She-Hulk announces secret villain and comedy icon could play misogynist

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The new MCU series She-Hulk: The Lawyer is no ordinary Marvel show. Instead of a consistent plot, we’re presented with absolutely weird court cases week after week, while Jennifer Walters (Tatiana Maslany) confronts the ups and downs of her new prominence as super lawyer. But what will the 9-part season lead to? At the end of episode 3 now indicate the possible endgame and a secret villain away.

Who will be the secret villain in the Marvel series She-Hulk?

In the final minutes of Episode 3, She-Hulk is captured in a dark alley by the armed members of the wrecking crew attacked. They are badly beaten up by the green female and quickly flee. But there is much more behind the attack. We learn that the troupe is working on behalf of a secret mastermind who is on a sample of Jen’s blood wants to reach.

Check out the trailer for the Marvel series She-Hulk here:

She-Hulk The Lawyer – Trailer 2 (German) HD

Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) already hinted at how dangerous it could be when someone abuses the blood of a Hulk in the opening episode, when he immediately destroys all the blood samples taken from his cousin. A villain who wants to create a Hulk himself? This could definitely result in an exciting confrontation in the final.

The series does not yet tell us who is really behind it. With the super influencer Titania (Jameela Jamil) and Emile Blonsky aka Abomination (Tim Roth) we have already seen two potential candidates. Could the former Hulk enemy have manipulated Jen to escape from prison and then become a villain again?

Neither Titania nor Abomination would be a real surprise as nasty manipulative bosses. Marvel fans have higher expectations. Loki and Hawkeye already delivered iconic villain performances with Kang and the Kingpin. According to a rumor, She-Hulk could even top this and bring a mega star into the MCU.

Warning, potential spoilers for She-Hulk:

Rumors about She-Hulk: Intelligencia and an appearance by Jim Carrey?!

A few months ago, a Marvel leak (which also predicted Captain America’s defloration) made the rounds that could already reveal who is actually after Jen’s blood. Namely, the rogue connection intelligence behind that as a group”misogynist incels” is described. During the course of the story, one of the members is said to himself (thanks to a stolen sample). a shapeless imitation Hulk will.

Looking at the comic version of the Intelligencia, however, suggests an even bigger surprise for She-Hulk, which would fit another hot rumor about the MCU series. Because: one of their comic leaders is none other than a super villain MODOKwho will appear in next year’s Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.

© Warner Bros

Does Jim Carrey go green again for She-Hulk?

And here comes comedy legend Jim Carey in the game. Rumor has it that he was spotted on set in a motion capture suit. This fueled the rumor mill that he might play MODOK. A completely different role would also be possible: maybe even that of the Intelligencia leader who transforms into a Knockoff Hulk (with a few Die Maske vibes).

Marvel series need at least one blatant surprise cameo. Whether Jim Carrey will get the job, and whether he’ll take on MODOK or some other villainous role, we’ll find out in the coming weeks. The first season of She-Hulk is on Thursdays at Disney+ until October 13th.

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How do you like the new Marvel series She-Hulk so far?
